Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Blog Response Chocolate war dare I disturb the universe

In my life disturbing the universe is a very relative thing, an example is I wouldn't want to intervene when a couple of my bigger friends are getting in a fight or maybe even some people I don't even know. If I wanted to disturb the universe usually I will sort of test my parent's patients when were arguing with each other just to see how angry and how far I can get my parent's to go. Some times I will just be as benign and funny as possible other times I can be pretty severe. But in my case and most everyone else's case is we all enjoy pushing the envelope and taking walks on the wild side its what we thrive on.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Chocolate War DQ’s Chapters 10-20 Infante 2009-10

  1. In your opinion, should Jerry have said no to selling the chocolates? After the assignment was over no he should have sold after that.
  2. Where does school spirit begin and end? Where do you draw the line? Think about the kinds of things that happen between BHS and GA during football season. School spirit begins with supporting the team and ends with violence.
  3. Should you make sacrifices for your school? Talk about an experience you have had with fundraising at school. What was it like? Once I was selling wrapping paper for my school and I accidentally lost all my supply.
  4. What makes Brother Leon a bully? Give examples. Where does he cross the line? Brother Leon is a bully because he takes pleasure in other peoples
  5. Do you think the world is made up of either “victims or victimizers?” Explain.
  6. How does Brother Leon bribe David Caroni? Would someone else be able to bribe you with a grade?
  7. Why does Jerry refuse to sell the chocolates after the assignment is over? Jerry feels sick every morning because he has to face Leon. What physical symptoms of stress have you experienced in stressful situations?
  8. Should the other Brothers do something about the Vigils? If the Vigils existed here at GA, would you want teachers to do something about it? Explain.
  9. 10. Does bully happen at GA? Is anything done about it? Why or why not?

Chocolate war DQ's 21 30

The Chocolate War DQ’s Chapters 20-30 Infante 2009-10

1. Why is it cool to be in the Vigils? Because the vigils control the whole school and cool people are in the vigils.
2. Obie obviously does not like Archie or being in the Vigils. Why does he stay? Obie stays because he is afraid of the ramifications of his actions.
3. Brother Leon says sales are down because of apathy. Is that true? Yes because the salesmen view Jerry not selling and being lazy and so they follow his example
4. Is trying to get the students to sell chocolates just a game? Why or why not? No because the sale is for a fund raiser.
5. Did Jerry become a symbol to other students? Jerry became a symbol of rebellion and resistance.
6. whatt gives the Vigils such power? Because no one knows about them and they run the whole school.
7. Who or what in your life gives you the courage to stand up for yourself? Who do you wish encouraged you? Why? In my life no one really encourages me to stick up for myself so I have to make myself feel like a woose enough until I retaliate.
8. Carter punches Rollo when he talks back to Archie. Why does he do this? Carter punches rollo to make an example of him and he was tired of Archie's non violence.
9. Is the quote, “All schools have animals” true? Yes there is always a violent person at all schools.
10. How would the dynamics at Trinity change if it was a co-ed school? There would be much less homo erotic activities.
11. Why do people get caught up in a herd mentality? Every one must sell chocolates to belong to the herd and if you upset the herd there are ramifications.
12. “Funny – someone does violence to you but you’re the one who has to hide, as if you’re the criminal.” Explain this quote. Is this true in real life? Give examples.
13. What is the difference between a spirit of brotherhood and what the boys at Trinity have? Brotherhood is sacred the boys at trinity
14. Did Jerry have to go to the field to fight? No
15. What would you have done in Jerry’s situation? I would have sold the chocolates after the assignment was finished.
16. To what lengths would you go to stand up for something? If it was something that I really believed in I might give my life.
17. Silence = consent. What does that mean? If you stand by and let something awful go down and try to remain neutral you allowed it to happen which makes you just as guilty.
18. How does the ending feel to you? The ending was good because not all
19. Does this story leave the reader with any hope at all? Explain. It seems that the story doesn't end with hope but it does because Jerry although half dead his spirit was still in tact.
20. If you had to predict what happened next (after the ending of the story), what would you say happens? Jerry becomes the starting quarterback and becomes the king of the school.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Chocolate War DQ's chapters 1-10

1. What affect did the first sentence have on you? The first sentence although I cant remember the exact words but I do remember that it was very captivating.
2. Do you feel you have to stay on the good side of anyone in your life? why? There are always a few people in every one's life that they have to give a wide birth to mainly to keep myself out of trouble and danger.
3.What would you do if someone was keeping secret information about you? I would try to obtain the information and dispose of it.
4. Why is the man at the bus stop contemptuous of Jerry? Because Jerry was staring at the hippie that and the hippie did not appreciate it and he chewed Jerry out.
5 Who is brother Leon? He is a very severe and sadistic task master of a teacher in a private catholic school called trinity.
6. Why does every one in the school ignore the Vigils? Because the secret society of vandals known as the vigils is so on the down low that they keep a code of silence as strict as most organized crime syndicates.
7. Why does Goober have to comply with the assignment? Because Goober is the new spastic freshman who must go along with the Vigils and do what they tell them? What would you do? I would try not to be in a secret society but if I had to I would do it as quickly and discreetly as possible.
8.What Kind of teacher is brother leon? He is a very meek man who likes to control students like a psychopath and is so unpredictable that is predictable how unpredictable he will be. Has a teacher ever picked on you?Yes one time I told a teacher her time was up in the computer lab and she told me "Your outta here!" and i said some not nice things there was a note home that day.
9. Do you know anyone with Emile's characteristics? No
10. Why do they choose to pick on Brother Eugene? Because hes a nice guy and its an un- expected thing to do.
11.Jerry feels like he cant talk to his father how can he remedy the situation? By telling his dad that he misses his mom too and that it is going to be okay.
12. What have you had to sell for school fundraisers? Posters and wrapping paper and yes I sold a ridiculous amount of that stuff for no reason except a fund raiser for soccer lights and I don even like soccer.

KIlling Mr. Griffin

Killing MR Griffin DQ

1. What surprises Mrs. McConnell about Mrs. Griffin’s visit?
Susan was the last person to see mr griffin alive.

2. How does Mrs. Griffin surprise Susan?
She didnt know Griffins feelings for her.

3. Mrs. Griffin is certain Susan is lying about her teacher conference with Mr. Griffin. List
her reasons.
What Susan was saying didnt make sense to her.

4. How do Susan’s parents react when Mrs. Griffin accuses her of lying?
They Took her side on it.

5. What does Mrs. Griffin know about David? Mark?
She knows about David's paper blowing out of his hands. and that Mark cheated on a term paper.


1. Why does David’s Grandmother believe he is secretly seeing his Daddy? What proof do
you think she has?
She found the Stanford ring.

2. Lana tells Lt. Baca about the turned-up ground and gives him the prescription bottle.
What else does she say to expose the kidnappers?
Mark Kinney was the only other person she knew that knew about the place.

3. What new plans do they make for the car?
To hide it in Jeff's garage to paint it until they could take it to a pueblo

4. Why does Mark think the news report is false?
They said Mr. Griffin's ring was missing and he didnt know that David took the ring.


1. Why does David take the ring?
It reminds him of his father.

2. The blowing wind may be a symbol of freedom in this novel. Explain its possible
importance in the following events:

David and Susan’s first meeting
Without the wind blowing David wouldnt have talked to her.

the picnic by the waterfall

the inscription on the ring

3. Why does the lady from the other house smile through the window at Susan?
She sees that the beds are messed up.

4. What is Susan’s opinion of David’s grandmother?
she's scared and thinks that his grandmother wont give back the ring and they will get caught.

5. Why does Susan call Jeff’s house?
to tell mark that they really did find the body and to ask what to do.


1. In what ways do we see that the Garrett’s do not see their son Jeff as a real person?
They dont see any flaws in him. They have an idealized view of him.

2. Mystery stories rely on inference, the act of drawing a conclusion that is not actually
stated. Using inference, what information will Mrs. Griffin learn from the newspaper?
The Lana connection.

3. Why does David’s grandmother refuse to attend church?
They reverend said that people who dont take care of their earthly responsibilities dont go to heaven.

4. Explain what David’s grandmother means in the following quotation. “The winds of
freedom are filled with laughter.”
She thinks her son left David's mother because she was boring

5. What clue in the story reveals the identity of Irma Ruggle’s visitor?
The brown jacket and the weird eyes.


1. Why do Betsy and Jeff stop by to see Susan?
To create an alibi

2. What is surprising about David’s grandmother’s death?
The neighbor said someone was there

3. Do you think Betsy and Jeff believe Mark has killed the old woman?

4. The first paragraph of the chapter discusses the wind. Why do you suppose the author
writes about the wind blowing again at this point in the story?
The truth will be out and she will be normal again.


1. What are the implications of Susan’s statement “I did that” on page 208?
She played a role in the killing of David's grandmother

2. What is Jeff worried about?
Getting caught in Mr. Griffin's car.

3. Why doesn’t Mark gag Susan?
He said that the wind would be louder than her screams.

4. How does Mark feel after he sets the fire?
Calm and serene

5. How does Susan feel about Mark?
She loves him and hates him.

6. Why does Susan scream, “I’m going to die, You’re glad, aren’t you?”
She thinks that Mrs. Griffin would be happy to see her die since she was part of the killing of Mr. Griffin.

7. How does Mrs. Griffin respond?
She says of course not why would i want that.


1. Mrs. McConnell tells Susan, “It is only by facing things that you ever put them behind
you.” What do you think is good or bad about this advice?
It's better to face it and get over it than to try to forget it and it eat you up inside

2. How does Mrs. Griffin recognize the car?
The patched upholstery

3. Why is the whole family going to counseling?
To deal with it together.

4. Do you think the proposed penalties are fair? Explain.
Yes, Since mark was the ring-leader his punishment should be worse than everyone else's

5. How does the last verse in Susan’s, “Song for Ophelia,” explain why she becomes involved
with Mark and the others?
She feels ugly and vulnerable

6. What may the reader infer from the last paragraph?
she has matured as a character and accepted her responsibilities

7. “Coming-of-Age” stories are usually about “Loss of Innocence” or “Rite of Passage.” State
what kind of story this is and why.
Both. She loses her past innnocence and she matures as a character by realizing fitting in isnt necessary

Thursday, February 4, 2010

KMG DQ 13-19

Chapter 13
1. What surprises Mrs. McConnell about Mrs. Griffin's visit?
Susan didn't tell her mom she was the last person to see Mr. Griffin.
2. How does Mrs. Griffin surprise Susan?
By interrogating her about seeing Mr. Griffin and the alleged woman sitting in the car with him.
3. Mrs. Griffin is certain Susan is lying about her teacher conference with Mr. Griffin list the reasons.
She said Mr. Griffin was nervous and twitchy when he wasn't and he was checking his watch when he wasn't wearing one.
4. How do Susan's parents react when they tell her shes lying?
they act shocked and offended.
5.What does Mr. Griffin know about Mark and Dave?
she knows that Dave's papers blew away and that Mark cheated on a paper.
Chapter 14.
1. Why does David's Grandmother think he is secretly seeing daddy and what proof does she have? She thinks hes acting abnormally and Mr. Griffin's ring is proof.
2. Lana tells Lt. Baca about the turned up ground and gives him the prescription bottle what else does she say to expose the kidnappers? That her and mark used to go there.
3. What new plans do they make for the car? To paint it green put it in Jeff's car and take it to zuni.
4. Why does mark think the new's report is false? because hes a psycho
Chapter 15.
1.Why does David Take the ring? Because he felt it belonged to him in another life.
2. The winds of time ring with laugther

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How do Mark’s aunt and uncle feel about him?
They feel like he has some problem or he does dugs and never talkative

Why do you suppose Mark’s mother has a nervous breakdown and says she never wants
to see her son again?
Maybe because the dad and she was feeling bad about the fire

What does David’s grandmother remember about the day before that upsets David?
She remembers the jell-o didn't taste right

In the conversation with his grandmother, what mistakes does David make that may hurt
his alibi?
He was saying he was with Mark and the other kids Wed.

Why does Lt.
Baca ask Mrs. Griffin if there is trouble in their marriage?
Because there had been reports of husbands leaving their wife

What does Mrs. Griffin say that convinces Lt.
Baca to begin searching for Brian?
My husband is missing and she says his last words were "I Love You"


isn’t Susan surprised to hear her name over the loudspeaker?
She anticipated it because everything that has been going on with Mr.Griffin

2. Compare Susan’s attitude toward her family at the beginning of the story with her attitude
She feels like she needs her family to turn to and she before just wanted to be away from them.

Why does Susan agree to Mark’s lie?
So the police think that Mr.Griffin was with another women and so they don't get in trouble

Why does Mark want her to lie?
So the murder is put on the supposed women with Mr.Griffin

Do you think Mark really believes everything will be all right? Why?
No, but for him he doesn't care because he's had a rough life. He just wants everyone to stay a team.


What is the real reason Betsy says nasty things about Susan?
Betsy in a way is a bit jelous and she believes Susan is getting out of the whole situation easily

Find an example of allusion in this chapter.
Jeff jokes about grave digging in Hamlet

Briefly describe Mark’s mood during the burial. Jeff? David? Betsy?
Mark seems to be careless but happy
Jeff feels like not doing it and talks to Betsy about who she likes
David feels that they should get rid of the car and is naming plans
Betsy doesn't really contribute, but is told to drive car

4. Why does David recite the Lord’s prayer?He feels they should pray for the man dying
5. Why does Mark keep Mr. Griffin’s credit cards?He wants his friend in Colorado to use the credit cards so it looks like Mr.Griffin left
6. Why does Mark tell them to leave the car unlocked with the keys in the ignition?So it looks like he got robbed or somebody else did it
7. What mistakes do the four make burying Mr. Griffin?They didn't bury it deep enough and they had troubles putting the body in
8. What is the implied but not stated reason that the policeman recognizes Betsy at the
airport?He has seen her before and knows that she's the cheerleader for the school

Thursday, January 28, 2010

I opened my car door jumped inside slamming the door and I froze as I looked in my rear view mirror and saw behind the car was a black lincoln continental parked across the street. I did not recognize the people inside the car at first but i slowly realized it was blue tooth tony the guy my older brother owes money to. It was much easier to ignore him than to talk to the neighborhood bad guy. This worked until he motioned me over to him and asked me if I could tell him when tim was going to give him the money. I told him my brother didnt have it and I would have to pay him.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

1 This quote is signifigant because poe is saying dogs love people unconditionally.
2 Pluto is the name of the god of the underworld.
3 Because he feels guilt for killing the first cat.
4 The cat began to dislike him and claw his clothing.
5 He felt nothing mostly he was sort of surprised that he was able to pull out the cat's eye
6 He thinks all humans in their basic nature are perverse and cruel.
7 He hung the cat because it loved him.

Monday, January 25, 2010

If i were standing in the lunch line and some one in front of me dropped a five dollar bill I would like to think I'd give it back to them because if I dropped a five dollar bill I would want it back. But even though I think im good it does not guarantee that they would give their five dollars back. If someone actually dropped and didnt notice I just might steal it or "find it".

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Black Cat

1.solicit(v)- to seek for by earnest or respectful request formal application

2.Mad (adj) - mentally disturbed deranged insane demented

3.Succint (adj)- expressed in few words concise terse

4.Phantasm(N)-an illusory likeness or something

5.Docile(adj)- easily managed or handled

6.Disposition(n) the predominant or prevailing tendency of one's spirits natural mental and emoitnal outlook or mood charecteristic attitude

7.Sagacious(adj)- having or showing keen discernment and sound judgement

8. Paltry(adj)- lacking in importance or worth trivial

9.Gossamer-(n) something delicate light or flimsy

10.Fidelity -(n) faithfulness to obligations duties or observances

11.Procure (v) to get by special effort obtaion or aquire

12.Allusion(n)- the act of alluding indirect reference

13.Intemperacne (n)- excewssive use of alcoholic beverages

14.Maltreat(v)- to treat in a rough or cruel way way abuse

Monday, January 11, 2010

HumanKind evil or good

In my opinion mankind is plagued by many evils such as world wars famines mass murder and infamous crimes. Even though people have and will continue to fight over their differences there will always be a large group of people who wont fight and will try to live a peaceful and meaningful life. Mankind might have made many mistakes we usually meant well. In the times we didnt mean well the reason things went wrong was evil men conspiring against fellow humans to murder and torture eachother like in the holocaust in world war 2.