Thursday, January 28, 2010

I opened my car door jumped inside slamming the door and I froze as I looked in my rear view mirror and saw behind the car was a black lincoln continental parked across the street. I did not recognize the people inside the car at first but i slowly realized it was blue tooth tony the guy my older brother owes money to. It was much easier to ignore him than to talk to the neighborhood bad guy. This worked until he motioned me over to him and asked me if I could tell him when tim was going to give him the money. I told him my brother didnt have it and I would have to pay him.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

1 This quote is signifigant because poe is saying dogs love people unconditionally.
2 Pluto is the name of the god of the underworld.
3 Because he feels guilt for killing the first cat.
4 The cat began to dislike him and claw his clothing.
5 He felt nothing mostly he was sort of surprised that he was able to pull out the cat's eye
6 He thinks all humans in their basic nature are perverse and cruel.
7 He hung the cat because it loved him.

Monday, January 25, 2010

If i were standing in the lunch line and some one in front of me dropped a five dollar bill I would like to think I'd give it back to them because if I dropped a five dollar bill I would want it back. But even though I think im good it does not guarantee that they would give their five dollars back. If someone actually dropped and didnt notice I just might steal it or "find it".

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Black Cat

1.solicit(v)- to seek for by earnest or respectful request formal application

2.Mad (adj) - mentally disturbed deranged insane demented

3.Succint (adj)- expressed in few words concise terse

4.Phantasm(N)-an illusory likeness or something

5.Docile(adj)- easily managed or handled

6.Disposition(n) the predominant or prevailing tendency of one's spirits natural mental and emoitnal outlook or mood charecteristic attitude

7.Sagacious(adj)- having or showing keen discernment and sound judgement

8. Paltry(adj)- lacking in importance or worth trivial

9.Gossamer-(n) something delicate light or flimsy

10.Fidelity -(n) faithfulness to obligations duties or observances

11.Procure (v) to get by special effort obtaion or aquire

12.Allusion(n)- the act of alluding indirect reference

13.Intemperacne (n)- excewssive use of alcoholic beverages

14.Maltreat(v)- to treat in a rough or cruel way way abuse

Monday, January 11, 2010

HumanKind evil or good

In my opinion mankind is plagued by many evils such as world wars famines mass murder and infamous crimes. Even though people have and will continue to fight over their differences there will always be a large group of people who wont fight and will try to live a peaceful and meaningful life. Mankind might have made many mistakes we usually meant well. In the times we didnt mean well the reason things went wrong was evil men conspiring against fellow humans to murder and torture eachother like in the holocaust in world war 2.